Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.
There are two ways you can support Epworth financially:
In Person: | Electronic Giving: |
Place checks or cash in offering envelop and drop in the offering box. | Use either the VANCO Mobile Giving App or directly at VANCO’s website. |
Electronic Giving is Good for You and the Church
Electronic giving can keep you on track with stewardship and guarantees uninterrupted support for our church.
- Give anytime, anywhere to your favorite funds
- Schedule and manage recurring donations
- Make one-time donations to special appeals
- Pay for events, programs and other activities
Epworth uses the safe and secure services of Vanco Payment Solutions, an organization endorsed by the United Methodist Church. If you would like to give electronically, follow the link to the secure Vanco Payment site or contact the church office.
Not sure how to use the Vanco online website to donate? Click on Vanco Online How To Guide.
Do you prefer using the Vanco Mobile app? Click here for a quick How To Give Using Vanco Mobile App Guide!
If there are any questions, please email epworthfinsec@gmail.com
“When he finished speaking to the crowds, he said to Simon, “Row out farther, into the deep water, and drop your nets for a catch.” (Luke 4:4)
A ship is a powerful metaphor for our church as we recognize that all hands are essential to ensuring her safe journey. Churches, like boats, come in all shapes and sizes and are created for different purposes and contexts. Churches, also like boats, must respond to our unique environments often outside of our control. Those environments can include sunny skies and smooth sailing while other times we might be faced with storm clouds and high winds. No matter the weather or type of ship, the journey of a boat depends upon every single hand on deck coming together, to do their part.
We see this every day at Epworth, as folks come together with the generosity of their unique gifts to make our ministries happen. With your generous support of your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness in 2023, Epworth…
YOUR generosity this past year has enabled our church to:
- Continues to provides opportunity to gather for worship every Sunday both in person and online with our livestream.
- Sent 41 missionaries to serve during our Mission Blitz Week. Our service included work on Epworth grounds, Bethlehem Emergency Shelter, Bloom for Women, and local homes.
- Helped send 6 young people to experience a life changing week of camp at Pocono Plateau.
- Served 10 weekend lunches at Bethlehem Emergency Shelter (serving around 100 of our neighbors struggling with food insecurity each time).
- Served 5 nights at the Bethlehem Emergency cold weather shelter, ensuring our neighbors without a home had a warm and safe place to sleep.
- Reached children in our community through our outreach events including our summer AWE program, Trunk or Treat, Birthday Party for Jesus, and Easter Egg Hunt.
- Hosted four local girl scout troops in Fellowship Hall all year round. Many girl scouts volunteer at our church dinners and other events.
- Continued to provide pastoral care through our Pastoral and Lay Care Teams in seasons of loss, surgery, illness, health crisis, family transitions, and other difficult seasons of life.
- Four young men, supported by five mentors, journeyed through confirmation classes and made their first public profession of faith.
- 17 people participated in our Revelation Bible study (either in person or on zoom) that met throughout the summer.
- Continues to make a joyful noise unto the Lord through our music ministry with growth in our choir and bell choirs.
- Paid off our capital campaign on our HVAC system upgrade TWO YEARS early, allowing our Trustees to continue to be good stewards of our property and make improvements which benefit our community and mission.
- Raised over $2,500 at our Annual Yard Sale for our 2024 travel Mission Trip and were able to connect with our neighbors.
The above names just a few of the ways we were able to follow Jesus’ command to Simon Peter to cast out our nets and fish for people so that Epworth can continue to be a caring community where people have an opportunity to meet Jesus and develop a life long relationship with him