Epworth United Method Church has many opportunities to choose from for anyone who is looking to get involved.
Upcoming Activities
Church Dinner 5-6:30 PM – January 15, 2025
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, salad, rolls and dessert.
Adults: $12, Children 5 – 10 years: $5, children under 5 years are FREE. All proceeds will be used to help support our lay pastoral care team.
Church Dinner 5-6:30 PM – February 19, 2025
Grilled cheese with various choices of soup.
Adults: $12, Children 5 – 10 years: $5, children under 5 years are FREE. All proceeds will be used to help support our youth.
Church Dinner 5-6:30 PM – March 19, 2025
Pork roast, oven roasted potatoes, green beans, apple sauce, rolls and dessert.
Adults: $12, Children 5 – 10 years: $5, children under 5 years are FREE. All proceeds will be used to support our efforts in collection funds for a new church roof.
Church Dinner 5-6:30 PM – April 26, 2025
Pasta dinner and pie action. All proceeds will be used to support our mission trips.
Adults: $12, Children 5 – 10 years: $5, children under 5 years are FREE. All proceeds will be used to support our efforts in collection funds for a new church roof.
Church Dinner 5-6:30 PM – May 21, 2025
Taco night!
Adults: $12, Children 5 – 10 years: $5, children under 5 years are FREE. All proceeds will be used to support our efforts in collection funds for a new church roof.
Church Dinner 5-6:30 PM – June 11, 2025
Grilled chicken, French fries, corn on the cob, coleslaw, melon and desserts.
Adults: $12, Children 5 – 10 years: $5, children under 5 years are FREE. All proceeds will be used to support our efforts in collection funds for a new church roof.
Regular Activities!
Do you want to make a joyful noise? The Epworth United Methodist Music Department strives to offer opportunities of both meaningful worship and enjoyment of music for both performers and listeners. Our music ministry is growing and thriving as we offer ensembles for children and adults including a choir, bell choir, youth music, and solo vocal and instrumental performances. Share your talent by signing up now!
Choir rehearses the first and third Sunday of the month from 9:00 am to 9:45 am. The group normally performs on the Third Sunday of the month.
Please check out the Epworth United Methodist Music Department website or contact Julie Wydrzynski at (610) 751–2304 or email at Julie.wyd@gmail.com
Church Cluster Connection
United Methodist churches within our area combine to help support one another. Our cluster connection consists of:
- Epworth UMC in Bethlehem
- Fritz UMC in Bethlehem
- Paul UMC in Hellertown.
Our connection meets quarterly to share happenings in our individual congregations share combined activities such as charge conference while rotating between the church locations. The pastors will jointly visit those in the hospital or nursing homes to support and encourage one another. We will often come together to share God’s grace with one another through various activities such as spiritual celebrations, fund raisers, picnics, dinners, trips, exhibitions, etc.
Church Dinners
Enjoy some good food and fellowship at our monthly church dinners. proceeds generated from these wonderful fellowship dinners are broken down where 10% will go to maintaining the kitchen and 90% will go toward the General Fund unless otherwise noted. Dinners are served from 5:00 – 6:30 PM.
- Adults $12.00
- Children between the ages of 5 – 10 $5.00
- Children under 5 are FREE
Check out our event calendar for dates and times. Click HERE to view our Events page for dates and times!
Hand Bell Choir
The Bell Choir rehearsals are held on Mondays, at 4:00 pm, in Fellowship Hall of the church. If you have an interest and would like to try your hand at bell ringing, please join us!
Are your kids interested in Bell Choir? Youth Bell Choir will meet 4:45 pm each Tuesday for about half an hour. Contact Marilyn or Ken Bass with any questions you may have at (484) 281-3215 or marilyn.bass@rcn.com.
Holy Time
Join us for Holy Time each Tuesday at 9:15 AM for prayer, bible devotions and discussion. Pastor Nina leads Holy Time in person as well as via Zoom. If interested, please contact the church.
Lay Pastor Team
The Lay Pastoral Care team assists Pastor Nina with keeping in contact with the members of the Epworth Church family. Every week, we attempt to contact those in our congregation who are sick, in the hospital or rehab, recovering or who are being treated for long term health conditions. Included in this group are also people undergoing some other significant life issue, a few examples of this would be a change or loss of a job, loss of a loved one or a birth.
On a monthly basis we try to contact our homebound members. Visits with our homebound have been limited in recent months, but contacts can also be made with phone calls, emails, text messages or cards. We also attempt to do something special for our homebound friends around Christmas and other times throughout the year.
LPC has recently resumed Epworth’s tradition of providing a visit to our new mothers. A rosebud, a bulletin with the birth announcement, a handmade baby blanket which has been prayed over by our group, and a meal if wanted accompany the visit.
If anyone is interested in becoming part of this ministry, please contact Pastor Nina or Pam Spadoni.
Mission Blitz Week
Each year we try to assist our community through a number of means. If you have a heart for our community, would like to volunteer or know of someone whom we can assist, mission blitz week is a perfect time!
The Power of Prayer
Our prayer chain is a group of church members who are linked like a chain. Each member relaying the need for prayer to another. Epworth has 3 prayer chains. One is for those who prefer to receive the info by email and the other two receive phone call when there is a request for a prayer concern. The request can be for a member or anyone in need of prayer.
The Prayer Chain at Epworth is the primary way we communicate mid-week prayer requests among our community. If you have a prayer request, or if you’d like to become a part of the chain and lift our community up in prayer in this way, please call the Church Office (610) 868-5354 or Lois Tarbell (464) 390-4011
Prayer Shawl Group
Epworth Prayer Shawl Group has been active since 2004. We meet on two Sunday afternoons a month. Our ladies Knit or Crochet Prayer Shawls, Prayer Patches, Baby blankets, and Lap Blankets. The items are available to anyone who request them or who come to our attention. Most of us supply our own yarn but are grateful for donations of yarn or money. The yarn needs to be comfortable and washable. The items are Prayed on before going to the recipient. During the meeting, while we are working on our projects, we have a prayer circle and devotions. If you would like to donate or join us for this special ministry, please call Lois Tarbell (484) 390-4011
Youth Group
Students enrolled in grades 6 through 12 are encouraged to come out to youth group! Our youth participate in bible studies, worship and mission work while building lasting relationships with one another and God.
Youth group meets the first and third Sundays each month following the morning worship service.